Sunday - things seen

Dayeh student tests a super-mileage vehicle on the university sports track.

Gecko takes cover under foliage.

Long-tailed skink or grass lizard

Chrysalis or pupa, whatever, in a day or two it will be a butterfly. Today I managed to retrieve one from a tree so there is a good chance it is still alive. A time-lapse camera will record it over the next few days and who knows the video may be posted here in a week or two.

Sadly this blue butterfly covered in ants did not survive. However ants are supposedly useful as they protect emerging butterflies from mites, parasites and such like.

With temperatures exceeding 25 degrees the bigger butterflies are now emerging.

Peacock pansy.

New flowers appear ...

... with new colours

But leaves are still falling ...

... making for a strange humid mix of autumn and spring.


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