Waiting lounge

Waiting in the departure lounge of Taoyuan airport reading Susan Sontag's book 'On photography' makes me wonder about the value of the photos in this blog. She seems hypercritical of photography and photographers in general with few exceptions. I enjoy taking photographs so I wanted to record my stay in Taiwan and provide subjective information for others who might be interested. I never considered my photography as high art or anything else, they are just pictures to support a diary of sorts. Well this is the last post from Taiwan, my next blog will be from another country and maybe I will consider omitting photos ... No I won't, the cameras get better, the software more interesting and now I can afford to take as many photos as I like, unlike in the days of film when the price meant missing many interesting subjects and waiting weeks for the positives to be developed only to have your excitement dashed due to poor exposure and printing. Digital, the best thing that happened to photography, like the Internet is to the analog telephone.

Bye Jan


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