I am working on a small vegetable garden. Above photo shows it at the start, then a few weeks ago and below is today. Actually it's more a herb garden really with Oregano, Mint, Coriander, Chives, Sage and a few Taiwanese unknowns. There are also Sunflowers, Pineapple, Lettuce, Cabbage and some wild flowers yet to show their colours. Despite the recent grey, cold weather that does not seem to have had any detrimental effects as several lettuce have already been eaten.
Cabbage White butterfly surveys cabbages in the garden.
This Night Heron is a frequent garden visitor during the day, despite being normally a nocturnal bird. Seen here behind the sunflowers.
Garden update 040414
The regular visitor.
Almost overgrown despite removing 4 lettuce.
Everything is growing like crazy and this (beanstalk?) is growing at least one foot a day.
Meanwhile there is an abundance of tomatoes that are already turning colour.
Sunflowers border my slightly unkempt garden.
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